Two Huge UFOs Spotted Moving Through Space (Video)

On September 9, 2021, an astronomer captured something unusual in space through his telescope. The author of the video said that for the first time he recorded something huge that he could not explain.

As the United States continues to speculate about spy balloons, drones and aliens, a ChuckAstrophotography video has surfaced this week that shows something huge and very interesting.

The ufologist community leads these days an intense debate on UFO sightings, but with a particular characteristic:

These are not the classic small flying saucers, but large spaceships, which are called “supply ships”.

The graphic example they give is of the ships that come to mind when we think of War of the Worlds or Independence Day.

“Everywhere in the world, we detect a phenomenon of the appearance of vessels of extraordinary dimensions”. On the mysterious shot of the astrophotographer, he wonders:

“Are these objects geosynchronous satellites? But then why are there two in the same place? And if they’re stuck in place, why aren’t they stretched by my 15 second exposure? »

“Or could these objects be two UFOs flying at high speed in space? I saw these objects while capturing the Fireworks galaxy (NGC 6946) and the Ghost Bush star cluster (NGC 6939).

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“The images in the video are rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise and the objects appear to be moving from west to east. They appear just below the stellar cluster of the Ghost Bush,” explains the astronomer.

Other observers have also photographed huge alien spacecraft flying at high speeds through space, especially near the Orion Nebula.

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