Greta Thunberg is a 120-year-old time traveler, according to bizarre theory

Is Greta Thunberg  a time traveler? That’s what many are asking after a group of researchers discovered a lookalike of the leading environmental activist in historical documents from the University of Washington in Seattle, USA.

The image is of some American children – apparently from Canada – drawing water from a well in remote lands, in the approximate year 1898. Although the    conspiracy theory    is funny, it is undeniable that the child really looks like Greta. Check out the image of the University of Washington and draw your own conclusions.
The “Greta do Passado” would be on the left

Does it look like it or not?

Either way, this is a    ‘good   ‘ conspiracy theory. The propagators of the theory – ironically or not – are saying that it came from the past to save humanity, alerting us to care for the earth and the environment, for sustainable development.

Ufology sites even said that Greta is a super-advanced alien who came to stop the destruction of humanity. Regardless, the fact is that Greta is one of the main voices against global warming and her image is seen as a symbol of the struggle to maintain humanity and the continuity of life on our planet.

It is not the first prank they have played with the 16-year-old activist. She even turned it into a    death metal video   , and had fun with the memes fans made of her. Despite this, many people are irritated by such an empowered girl who speaks truths that some prefer not to hear, like journalist Gustavo Negreiros, who    was fired after offending Thunberg    with sexist comments.

Check out Greta’s conspiracy tweets:

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